Gill Hulme SDSHom RSOH
Registered Homeopath
Gill qualified as a Homeopathic Practitioner in 2011, having studied at South Downs School of Homeopathy in Chichester.
Gill started her career as a nurse at St Bartholomew’s Hospital before training as a midwife in Guildford. Gill worked at Guy’s Hospital, followed by Chertsey Hospital, and finally as a community midwife in Wimbledon. Whilst bringing up 3 children (all now adults), she became a Homeopath. Her 14 years working for the NHS as a nurse and midwife, as well as her experience as a mother, has given her a broad understanding of people’s needs and challenges, both emotionally and physically.
Gill is happy to work with people of all ages and with a wide variety of issues. She has a particular interest in supporting women through pregnancy, the post-natal period, babies and children. Gill is passionate about homeopathy and how it can be used to support the body’s natural healing process. She is a compassionate person and easy to talk to. Gill lives with her husband in Farnham, Surrey.
Call us to find out more about homeopathic medicine or to arrange an appointment will Gill.
Mobile: 07776 307 289
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