Homeopathy is an alternative system of health care which assists the natural ability of the body to heal itself.
It was Samuel Hahnemann, a German doctor who practiced in the19th century (1755-1843), who pioneered the principle of using medicines in high dilutions. He was concerned about the medical practices of his time and the side effects of medication which often compromised recovery. He looked for a way to reduce the damaging side-effects associated with medical treatment and began experimenting on himself and a group of healthy volunteers, giving smaller and smaller medicinal doses. He found that as well as reducing toxicity, the medicines actually appeared to be more effective the lower the dose. He also observed that symptoms caused by toxic ‘medicines’ such as mercury, were similar to those of the diseases they were being used to treat e.g. syphilis, which lead to the principle he described as ‘like cures like’.
Hahnemann went on to document his work, and his texts formed the foundations of homeopathic medicine as it is practiced today. A BBC Radio 4 documentary aired in December 2010 described Hahnemann as a medical pioneer who worked tirelessly to improve medical practice, insisting that medicines were tested before use.
The word homeopathy comes from two Greek words ‘HOMOIOS’ – similar, and ‘PATHOS’ – suffering. Homeopathic medicines stimulate the organism’s own healing powers by treating ‘like with like’, thus enabling the patient to re-establish a healthy equilibrium. Homeopathy recognises that it is the patient who needs treatment, not the disease. The symptoms of the disease are an outward expression of disharmony within the whole person.
Homeopathy will not just remove your symptoms but will help deal with the causes of the illness to reach a better level of health all round.
Call us to find out more about homeopathic medicine or to arrange an appointment will Gill.
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